A simple combination of white lace, white beads and baby pink flowers and ribbon touch =)
And here it turns into...
It is just perfect for a bridal room decor with the concept of romantic english style. Yet the wedding preparation is up to 90%.
Until that, hope everything is fine =)
p/s: i'm waiting for my 4 inch high heel that will be used on my big day. should i show it here? ala..semua nak show-off tak surprise la nanti! =P
safwa cepat la tunjuk ksut tuh!!hihihi 4 inci tuh..hehehe..so sweet sume ko decorate sendiri..
hehe..thanx sal..simple2 je buat =) esok kasut tu sampai..(hopefully sampai la)..xsabar gak nk tgk nih!
dear safwa,
happy birthday!
slamat menyambut ulangtahun ke 24 & slamat menyambut alam perkahwinan.
best wishes for you dan semoga sentiasa dekat dengan-Nya,
thanx nad ;)
sorry 4 d late reply..teramat bz rite now..nk hupdate blog pun x sempat..
wah...huhu tak dpt pg waktu safwa kenduri...minta maaf bnyk2 ye...
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